Skua Documentation

Project maintained by BrenoHenrike Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Inventory, Bank and Shop

As with any property or method from the CoreBots.cs file, you can call upon them by starting with Core. (Core Dot)


Method Definition Return Type Description
CheckInventory(string item, int quant = 1, bool toInv = true) bool Check the Bank, Inventory and Temp Inventory for the item by name
CheckInventory(int itemID, int quant = 1, bool toInv = true) bool Check the Bank, Inventory and Temp Inventory for the item by ID
CheckInventory(string[] itemNames, int quant = 1, bool any = false, bool toInv = true) bool Check the Bank, Inventory and Temp Inventory for the items by name
CheckInventory(int[] itemIDs, int quant = 1, bool any = false, bool toInv = true) bool Check the Bank, Inventory and Temp Inventory for the items by ID
CheckSpaces(ref int counter, params string[] items) void Checks an array of string item names to see if you have enough spaces to run through something, and will warn the player and stop the bot if need be
Unbank(params string[] items) void Move items from bank to inventory
Unbank(params int[] items) void Move items from bank to inventory
ToBank(params string[] items) void Move items from inventory to bank
ToBank(params int[] items) void Move items from inventory to bank
BuyItem(string map, int shopID, string itemName, int quant = 1, int shopQuant = 1, int shopItemID = 0) void Buys a item till you have the desired quantity, will also inform the user if something is missing which could cause the buy to fail
BuyItem(string map, int shopID, int itemID, int quant = 1, int shopQuant = 1, int shopItemID = 0) void Buys a item till you have the desired quantity, will also inform the user if something is missing which could cause the buy to fail
SellItem(string itemName, int quant = 0, bool all = false) void Sells a item till you have the desired quantity
GetShopItems(string map, int shopID) List<ShopItem> Loads the shop and returns the shop item Data
parseShopItem(List<ShopItem> shopItem, int shopID, string itemNameID, int shopItemID = 0) ShopItem Parses a singular ShopItem from a list, based on either the item Name/ID or ShopItemID
TrashCan(params string[] items) void Removes the specified items from players inventory (Banks AC items)

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